Allowed countries
Changing economic times, labour outlooks and time all influence your ability to deal with aging assets. Increasingly, owners, developers and operators are asked to do more with less.

In this context, extending the sustainability and durability of an infrastructure, facility, or other asset so it remains safe, reliable and sound becomes a major challenge. Managing and carrying out timely repairs – and ensuring strict quality control of all materials, components and work – can extend both the life of your assets and the benefits you draw from your investment. 


To do so, you need a reliable, experienced partner who can deliver the necessary rigorous oversight, quality management and control to make sure the work is done right, and at the right time. Our Englobe team can be that partner for you. 

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Changing economic times, labour outlooks and time all influence your ability to deal with aging assets. Increasingly, owners, developers and operators are asked to do more with less.
worker inspecting asphalt
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Moved by trust
Our experienced, innovative Englobe team can help you efficiently manage the challenges associated with aging assets and maintain – and even improve – their performance.
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worker in front of a pavement truck
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Tank and line testing
Over the past 50 years, the Englobe team has built a stellar reputation for its operational support to clients.

In that time, our team has reached new heights, becoming a North American leader in plant manufacturing quality control and onsite work supervision. Through our supervision activities, we can guarantee the quality of the work being done and ensure everything proceeds in accordance with our clients’ plans, specifications, timeline and contractual requirements. Our highly qualified engineers and technicians certify compliance with current standards and apply the latest technologies to assess material properties and measure performance. 


Our experienced people deliver rigorous, effective technical monitoring of your project’s advancement, from component functional testing and assembly through certification and approvals.  

years of work
in the building sciences sector
of revolutionizing testing standards for retail/upstream industries, thanks to our patented technologies
cost savings
across the total lifecycle of a parking facility generated by preventive maintenance

Field of Expertise
Asset Management

Our experienced Asset Management team delivers preventive maintenance services and replacement programs for asphaltic concrete parking lots, mainly for property owners. In addition to significantly reducing the facility’s total lifecycle cost, preventive maintenance also helps you avoid user injuries due to negligence. 


These software-assisted, end-to-end services begin with assessing the facility, and preparing a preventive or corrective maintenance program based on our findings. We then develop plans and specifications, manage and supervise all rehabilitation work, and conduct any required field and lab quality control testing.  


We also ensure the rehabilitation project’s useful life is equal to or greater than its design criteria. 


Supply Chain Quality

The Englobe team understands that the importance of performance measurement cannot be stressed enough. A good performance measurement system promotes a better understanding of processes and products, both internally and externally. In turn, this increased understanding also facilitates supply chain quality assurance, both upstream and downstream. 


Englobe’s engineers and technicians certify compliance with current standards and apply the latest technologies in material properties assessment and performance measurement. In its supervision activities, our team constantly ensures quality of work, compliance with the client’s plans, specifications and contract requirements, and the highest fabrication quality of a variety of materials, including mechanical, electrical and electronic equipment, structural elements and treated wood.  


Our people are also proficient in audit management systems, including quality, environment, laboratory, and workplace health and safety. 


Acoustics and Vibrations

Whether you’re looking to limit noise and vibrations or improve building acoustics, the Englobe team has the experience and expertise to meet your needs with innovative, cost-effective solutions. 


We’ve specialized in acoustics, noise, and vibration for over 25 years. Our trained experts have experience in a wide variety of industrial, commercial, and institutional settings, and perform work throughout Canada. 


Architectural acoustics 


Our team of experts measure and optimize room acoustics through reverberation time/intelligibility control and modeling in order to develop an acoustic treatment plan. They can also help you properly soundproof any area to ensure confidentiality. To do so, they use a variety of techniques including measuring apparent sound transmission class (ASTC) and apparent impact insulation class (AIIC), modeling noise insulation, and designing configurations to achieve noise insulation and confidentiality targets. 


Our team is skilled in controlling noise and vibration in building mechanical systems such as HVAC and plumbing. Our experts can model and predict mechanical equipment noise through various methods recommended by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). 


Environmental acoustics and vibrations 


Industrial facilities such as construction sites, pits and quarries can generate significant environmental noise, disrupting the people and communities around them. To remediate this problem, our team offers a host of noise and vibration management services, including 


  • Measuring residual noise before work or industrial activities begin 

  • Modeling and prediction of noise and vibration levels  

  • Development of noise and vibration management, control and monitoring plans 

  • Verification of site regulatory compliance 

  • Recommended mitigation measures to comply with legal or specified noise and vibration limits, if required 

  • Measurement of noise and vibration during site work 


Compliance with noise regulations is even more important for residents living near busy roads and railways. To facilitate this, our team provides  


  • Measurement of existing background noise levels at a specific location 

  • Creation of a traffic noise model to predict noise levels over a ten-year period 

  • Acoustic compliance assessment and noise barrier design for residential areas, if required, in accordance with regulations and policies 


Pits and quarries 


Englobe’s expertise in acoustics extends to noise control for pits and quarries, comprising 

  • Measurement of residual noise in the absence of industrial activity 

  • Mapping of noise emitted from the pit or quarry 

  • Verification of site regulatory compliance 

  • Modeling and prediction of noise levels generated by the pit or quarry 

  • Development of mitigation measures, if required (noise barriers, process adjustments, etc) 


Traffic noise 


Highway and railway noise control is also part of our acoustics service offering, which includes 

  • Measurement of existing background noise levels at the site 

  • Creation of a TNM (traffic noise model) to predict noise levels over a ten-year period 


Industrial noise 


The Englobe team performs impact studies including authorization certificate applications as well as noise control for various industries. This consists of 

  • Measurement of residual noise levels in the absence of industrial activity 

  • Measurement of noise levels with industrial activity 

  • Verification of site compliance with current regulations 

  • Modeling and predicting of noise levels generated by industrial activity 

  • Development mitigation measures, if required (silencers, machine housings, process modifications, noise barriers) 


Tanknology: Fuel Management Program

Our Fuel Management program features a suite of tank testing and calibration services to help clients boost their service station’s profitability. This program can help reduce average unexplained product loss (shrinkage) by thousands of litres per year. 


In addition to ensuring regulatory compliance with federal and provincial testing requirements, this program uses designated account managers to provide ongoing support and advice on how to achieve efficiency and increase profits. 


Fuel Management program
Our Fuel Management program features a suite of tank testing and calibration services to help clients boost their service station’s profitability.
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Tanknology logo
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workers inspecting a tank
We’re with you every step of the way.

The Quality and Asset Management team at Englobe is a North American leader for in-plant manufacturing quality control and onsite supervision, with particular experience in diverse sectors including energy, transport, mining and metallic treatment, as well as concrete fabrication.  


Our experienced, certified technical staff delivers strict monitoring, solid expertise and proficiency with world-class technology and software supports – to ensure all project work is done with the highest standards of quality, and to protect the sustainability of your assets and investments.