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Luc Chartrand has an impressive and inspiring professional journey during which he has embodied the role of pioneer, innovator, coach and lifelong learner. Having first completed his studies in civil engineering at Polytechnique in the late 1970s, he then embarked on a rich and fruitful 46-year career, of which 41 were spent at Englobe.
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A trailblazer on an uncharted path
A true pioneer in the field of pavement design and management, he directly contributed to the evolution and growth of these sciences in Quebec, mainly by collaborating on numerous development initiatives. The highly specialized, qualitative and empirical discipline was taught in very few universities in the province at the time.
Because of this, Luc explored numerous paths to develop solutions for his clients and improve Englobe’s service offering in this area. His great curiosity and ingenuity set him apart.
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Despite his visionary and innovative nature, which enabled him to design tools and build expertise in a field that was still in its infancy in the province, Luc has never been complacent nor comfortable. He continuously expands his knowledge and expertise by thinking outside the box, notably because of his fascination with technology and his ability to integrate it into his practice.
As a lifelong learner, he continuously strove to learn best practices, new technologies and tools to nurture his and Englobe’s expertise. During the expansion of Dorval Airport’s western apron, his client encountered a technical challenge linked to soil support. For a greater understanding, he contacted the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration’s experts to learn more about their innovative requirements for the United States and Canada. Afterwards, he integrated this knowledge in his client’s recommendations.
In the 1990s, he also worked closely with the Minister of Transport and Sustainable Mobility’s Pavement service to develop high-efficiency systems to characterize pavement conditions. In collaboration with the Minister’s professionals, he combined a unique blend of video and vehicle-mounted rear-projection technology, helping to lay the foundations for a now-familiar technique to determine rut depth. Today, this technique uses laser technology for greater efficiency.
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A catalyst for personal and professional growth
Throughout Luc’s career, his unquenchable appetite for knowledge and experimentation, and his great curiosity ensured his expertise was always rooted in practice. These traits inspired engineers who followed his steps to never be stagnant and to always strive to learn more.
His fair, respectful and caring nature led his younger peers to consult him about their projects’ challenges. He remained approachable and was perceived as a resource to support their personal and professional growth.
Luc always instilled confidence, enabling the young engineers he mentored to share their questions with complete transparency and communicate their ideas without fear of judgment.
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A contagious passion for knowledge and teaching
An excellent communicator and popularizer, Luc is very skilled at teaching complex concepts in an effective and simple manner. In part, this is why he became a recognized trainer in the industry, offering training internationally and participating in prestigious conferences. In 2010, he trained pavement engineers in Grenada and participated in industry conferences in Washington and Quebec.
He also added a new tool to his arsenal in recent years. He trained himself in the field of granular railway structures, focusing on railway size and measurements. He then created internal guides on their sizing, to provide a framework to better guide his younger colleagues’ work.
With his technical expertise and human touch, he took over 30 people under his wing throughout his career. On top of developing their abilities with precision and helping them better understand the complex world of engineering, he was also able to develop their soft skills. His empathy, transparency, humility and desire to always push the boundaries of creativity, are all elements his mentees integrated over time in their career and management practices.
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Thanks to his comprehensive approach and dedication, Luc has helped many young engineers become competent, high-performance professionals. They appreciate the knowledge he shared with them, and still recognize him to this day as a great trailblazer in his field.